Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I have been back to OZ.........

I made the trip back to Melbourne to see my Dad for his 80th birthday, it was a suprise visit as my Dad had know idea I was coming.......... My Mum had been addmitted to hospital the day I arrived so I spent time with her there and she was able to have day leave to go to Dads party.

I also got the chance to jump the train to Ringwood and catch up with some of the girls from the Scrap Chat forum for a shop at Scrappy Hollow and lunch, I would like to thank Sandy so much for picking me up and to all those that came for taking the time out of their day for me.
Here is a pic of me with my Dad in the national dress of the UAE which I gave him for his birthday from now on he can be Sheikh Derrick Bin Findlow Al Nayan of Abu Dhabi..........

And a piccy of me with my Mum in the hospital............

I had a wonderful time with my parents and family and am looking forward to December to see them again.....



Michelle Jamieson said...

I'm glad you had a good time Robyn and caught up with family and the gorgeous girls from Scrapchat!!

Chelle XX

Anonymous said...

So hope you are over your cold soon Robyn and wow to your Dad turning 80 and I hope your sweet Mum is feel a lot lot better... happy vibes xxx