Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Finding art in the ordinary things we walk over........

Feeling like a bit of art is needed, letting the old brain matter be creative for a change........

Had a morning walk down the street and for some reason I was drawn to the man-hole covers on the pavement, there are so so many in a range of different types...... So with my trusty tiny little camera in hand I snapped a few and getting strange looks from the locals as I was doing so!!!

So after a little editing these are what I came up with.........

So next time you walk down the street just think of the art that is under your very feet!!!!

A big thanks to all you wonderful people who left a message in my comments, they really mean a lot to me guys and I hope you come back for a look see soon......



scrapwitch said...
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scrapwitch said...

wonderful amazing photography for a girl who left her camera at home
love the new headr and title too babe