Thursday, February 28, 2008

I hate being sick.

OMG I so hate being sick, feeling like crap is not my best look!! And I haven't even done my pic for Gallery 12 which is due in less than 24 hrs!!

Last week I forgot to put up my weigh-in for Wednesday well it was 71.3kg , bit pissed as I have been busting my but for weeks only to find that I've gained .2kg but my trainer said that I have gained muscle and tone so I'm not giving up, now I'm feeling better I'll be back at it ready for my weigh-in next Wednesday.

I've decided to have a day in town tomorrow and I'm going to go and see the Andy Warhol exhibition, a bit of insperation for the soul and me thinks I'll try and soak some up.

I have to share a pic and a thought......Here is a leaf thats almost human with viens of blood showing that all things in nature bleed and we must be careful and tread on this earth softly.



scrapwitch said...

yes we do have to tread lightly..beautifully put rob...whack up that leaf shot in the gallery ..
possible title..from wood comes..!
its an amazing shot..hope your feeling better ,and toning up by the sounds of it

Back to New Blinds said...

What glorious colours, lightly I go!