Sunday, October 26, 2008

House bound.......

I'm house bound at the moment......... no car, I don't even get to take the kids to school and pick them up! Cam gets to do that for me........... but there is an upside to it ......... I get to scrap with no interuptions and spread my stuff all over the floor ( well I don't have a desk or anything!! ) as long as its picked up and packed away before they all get home, IT'S GREAT!!!

I had a few mini pics of some spots around Melboure that I packed with me and yesterday I did a layout of ' My Home Town '..............................

I so love the statues of the three men thats on the corner of the Burke st Mall, I remember many a year back going into the city and watching someone put a lite cigarette in to each of their mouths, just one of those thing you never seen to forget.

Have a great day,


1 comment:

scrapwitch said...

omg i love that layout
im going to lift it right now..ive lost my mojo..seems its gone west all the way to you love the upside of your delemia rob